SDUHSD Salaries

An analysis for SSDUHSD by Transparent California

In 2022, the median total pay / comparable pay / total compensation by labor group is:

Administrators: $154,679 / $174,339 / $189,914. This is a slight decline in total pay ($-2,803/-1.78%) and a slight increase in comparable pay ($321/0.18%) and total compensation ($827/0.44%) from 2021.

Certificated: $121,140 / $142,397/ $146,925
This is a fairly large across-the-board increase in total pay ($5,327/4.60%), comparable pay ($7,733/5.74%), and total compensation ($7,891/5.68%) from 2021.

Classified: $70,721/ $79,710/ $84,766

“Total pay” is total paycheck compensation.

“Comparable pay” is total pay plus the value of pension contribution payments above and beyond what a private employee would typically receive.

“Total Compensation” is total pay plus all contributions by the district to retirement and healthcare insurance plans.

With this data we can also do an analysis of increase rates. Looking at a cohort of continuing employees to see the increase rate trend per year, using the decade from 2012 through 2022 we see the following:

Total Pay Increase / Total Compensation Rates:

Administrators: 6.43%/ 7.73%
Certificated: 4.78%/ 5.69%
Classified: 7.65%/ 8.34%

For reference, during this time period in San Diego County the inflation rate (per the California Department of Industrial Relations) was 2.97%

The rates of increase have slowed slightly from last year, running roughly 2 times higher than inflation in general.

For the complete data sets and spreadsheets used to develop this data:

A PDF copy of the 2022 data is at:

Transparent California’s 2021 SDUHSD listing is at:

And for a description of the methodology used in this analysis:

If anyone would like to compare this year's analysis with last year's, that post is in this forum at