Is Porn OK in Your Kids' School Library for the Sake of DEI?

Now that Carlsbad Unified School District has passed Critical Race Theory, a curriculum that has divided communities all across America, they are now contemplating another controversial curriculum: DEI (courtesy of Superintendent Churchill’s influence). Trustee Verbuff did not vote for DEI, and President Pearson was not present. Therefore, Carlsbad’s DEI curriculum is still pending.

If Governor Newsom gets his way, concerned parents and taxpayers of Carlsbad can no longer remove or amend any parts or those curriculums or the porn in their school libraries as they did before.

Why? Because Governor Newsom is now stating that the state must decide if any materials are inappropriate instead of parents and taxpayers of the local school boards by passing AB 1078.. 

The bill once cancelled due to its lack if interest has now been revived because Temecula Valley Unified School District got Newsom's attention after they voted to let parents review controversial materials.

The school district was authorized under current law by a section of the California Education Code.

According to Newsom, any school district that sides with parents who does not want their children being exposed to controversial and divisive curriculums will pay the cost of the materials sent to each student, plus get a financial penalty...To the tune of 1.5 million dollars.

On 3/18/23, Author of the bill AB 1078, Corey Johnson spoke at a fundraiser in Riverside. He addressed the crowd condemning conservatives: 

"We are in the midst of an international, white, christian, nationalist movement." 

(See Corey Jackson video via text)

Jackson used Florida as an example of banning books for people of color, then promoted Critical Race Theory and the dignity and humanity of our trans brothers and sisters. 

He went on to state that if you want to ban instructional material including books, you need state approval first. Johnson continued, "So many have said you're taking away local control, and my response to that is as soon as you start passing and pushing white supremacy, you will lose local control." 

Then, a man named, "Trey," pulled out graphic illustrations of sexual acts from the book, 'Gender Queer' and confronted Johnson by asking, "Do you want these books in our schools?"

"Do you agree with these books?" 

The man was promptly escorted out of the event within seconds.

Gays Against Groomers, a mix of LGB &T people of all different colors and political affiliations from Liberals, Independents to Conservatives as diverse as the rainbow do not agree that the book excerpts from 'Gender Queer' are examples of their dignity and humanity. 

They believe it harms ALL kids-including transgenders, contrary to Corey Johnson's claims. 

The organization claims explicit, sexual content distracts students and can be dangerous. School referrals to organizations that introduce kids as young as 13 to adults as old as 25 to discuss their sexual preferences and gender ideologies on websites unknowingly funded by taxpayers can lead to sexual assault, irreversible changes by puberty blockers, or worse...All without  parents consent.

Other special interest groups disagree. They claim these materials prevent suicide. However, no studies have been conducted to prove otherwise once a full transition has taken place.

The excerpts the man held up in front of Mr. Johnson's crowd is from one of many sexually graphic novels located in middle and high schools throughout California, courtesy of Governor Newsom who claims this is must be a requirement for diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI.

Given California has proven to be a template for large populations across the country, Newsom's actions are alarming parents and taxpayers everywhere--including our own North County school districts in Oceanside, Carlsbad, Del Mar, and San Dieguito.

By overriding the current education code, Newsom is imposing the controversial curriculum bill and a punitive fine before it's official. 

This intimidates both parents and school board members and most probably illegal.

Is this a power play by Newsom, or does he just want to empty out the schools districts so parents will circumvent their children to private or home schooling? 

Given a consistent drop in CA state test scores across the board from 2022 to 2023, along with inappropriate materials found or taught in most schools districts including Carlsbad, Encinitas, Del Mar and San Diego County, it is no wonder enrollment and test scores have dropped consistently since the pandemic lock downs in 2020. 

Expect bill AB 1078 to exacerbate a drop in enrollment and more residents will move out of state. 

Perhaps if the powerful teacher's union speaks up and demands that their endorsed governor Newsom withdraws the bill, California will become a safer state for students?

Most parents and taxpayers want curriculums free of politics, inappropriate or sexualized content in our K-12th grade schools.

If they just want academics taught in public schools.

I guess we can conclude that most of the community--including people of color are "white supremacists" according to Corey Jackson.

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Temecula Valley School Board


Black Students Don’t Need Affirmative Action in College Admissions – They Need Quality K-12 Education