AB 1078 Seeks to Strip Power from School Districts

Do you think that education and curriculum decisions should be made at the local level by your school boards and other relevant elected officials? 

A new bill in Sacramento is seeking to strip those choices away from local groups — and enforce them from the statewide level instead.

Worse, the bill (Assembly Bill 1078), sponsored by Assemblyman Corey Jackson (D) and Co-sponsored by Assembly member Alex Lee, would require that any attempts by local school districts to remove controversial teaching materials or curriculum must “receive approval from the state board.” 

The bill is a way to ensure teaching materials promote racial, cultural, and sexual diversity, and to counteract proposals such as those in Florida, that have tried to remove what advocates described as pornographic and racist materials from schools.

Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, says that the bill would enforce state-mandated control over local curriculum and reinforce the teaching of “inappropriate” topics and that, “AB 1078 would eliminate the ability of local education officials to make decisions on curriculum based on the needs and desires of parents and students in their community.”

“It would force the entire state to conform to teaching critical race theory and overtly sexual and pornographic concepts - all designed to advance partisan political agendas that have no place in our classrooms,” DeMaio added. 

Recent studies and numerous parents at most school district have found multiple books and other materials that teach students explicit, sexual acts; Use of racial slurs and expletives; Violence, and even normalizes pedophilia, drugs, and alcohol as part of their DEI or CRT curriculums. Other examples include:

“Privilege” that (white) students have versus people of color and minorities.

How to sexually experiment at a young age.

Why American institutions and establishments are systemically racist.

Internet meet-ups with strangers for sexual encounters.

"Sexting," how to take inappropriate pictures and share them over the internet.

Is porn or inappropriate material in your kids' school library?"

Support our research and receive the tools to easily look up inappropriate books and see out if your school library stocks them (give choices from $50 to $500) 

“California elected Democrats such as Scott Weiner, Corey Jackson and Alex Lee are on the forefront of these bills and must be voted OUT.

The liberal media has been running cover for these books and education topics by first denying it, and now defending it under the guise that they represent minorities and the LGBTQ+ community. DeMaio, (who himself is openly gay) along with Gays Against Groomers deny this is representative of their communities and claim this harms ALL children by obsessively sexualizing kids in school nowadays.

“This has nothing to do with respecting different races or sexual orientations - we want to treat everyone with dignity and respect. This is dangerous and inappropriate sexualization and radicalization of our children at a young age,” said DeMaio.

When parents and concerned citizens demand inappropriate materials be removed from public schools, Democrat politicians and their supporters who control the school boards and liberal media outlets have dismissed their concerns and driven a false narrative.  

Anyone who opposes their ideology agenda is met with name calling or accused of not wanting “diversity, equity or inclusion.”

It appears to be their only line of defense.

What can you do to fight AB 1078?

  • Donate now to Taxpayer's Oversight for Parents and Children to help us expose indoctrination and politicians in the California Assembly, Senate, and elsewhere who create and support bills like AB 1078. Your donations will also support TOPS campaigns for Traditional School Board members running in 2024. 

  • Parents in every school district must “self-audit” library books and curriculums. 

  • Flag any inappropriate materials and expose them to the public, your principal, and superintendents. 

  • Call and write members of the California Assembly and Senate to request they oppose AB 1078: https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/


Listen to the De-Transitioners


RIP, Richard Bilkszto, a Toronto Educator Who Stood up to Woke Bullying—and Paid the Price