Brown Lacks Credibility

March 1, 2024

By Marci Strange

I write in response to the execrable Feb. 7 commentary, “A tale of two board discussions,” by Duncan Brown, the now-retired former president of the San Dieguito Faculty Association, a teachers union in the school district.

Sadly, Brown continues to misrepresent facts and promote falsehoods. One might wonder why Brown has raised his head now.

Brown’s obsession with Trustee Michael Allman persists, along with his desire to sabotage the pool build at Torrey Pines High School. 

Allman has a plan to build the pool, but Brown doesn’t like it.

Brown opposes a pool because the associated operating expenses would mean less funding for faculty. It’s the same reason he’s opposed in the past the responsible maintenance expenditures needed for other facilities.

Brown’s latest stunt is to complain that Mr. Allman’s attempt to advance an alternate resolution about building a swimming pool is somehow a Brown Act violation. Anyone with a casual knowledge of parliamentary procedure knows it is not improper to propose amendments or substitute motions during a debate.

Brown and his union supporters have repeatedly accused Allman of Brown Act breaches, yet not one violation has been found. The same cannot be said about Brown’s supporters, trustees Rimga Viskanta and Katrina Young.

Brown insinuates that the turmoil on the San Dieguito Union High School board in recent years is Allman’s fault. 

That is false. 

Ever since an independent majority was elected in 2020, Brown, his allies and union-endorsed trustees have been fighting back. After losing at the ballot box, they launched an all-out assault against the teachers union’s perceived enemies.

Based on disinformation, Brown forced the removal of a qualified, legally appointed trustee, which resulted in a special election, costing taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars. 

Brown also hired a private detective to follow a member of the new board majority. He led a failed recall effort against Trustee Allman, which resulted in a cease-and-desist letter after Brown’s canvassers got caught making up stories. 

Brown even sued the board before Christmas Eve to prevent re-opening schools after COVID-19 was known to be non-threatening to children.

Brown (also a former school counselor) was caught on a hot mic calling student board member reports “stupid,” mocking former trustee Melisse Mossy by putting a finger to his head and pulling the trigger and referring to parents as “transphobic.”

Brown lacks credibility, and his criticism of Allman is deplorable. 

Parents and voters in the San Dieguito Union High School District should beware of Brown and recognize they need more people like Allman on the board who put students and their families first.

Marci Strange, chairwoman of Taxpayer’s Oversight for Parents and Students of SDUHSD


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